Here come the 4th article in our series of interviews with windfoil lovers, i.e. experienced but “normal windfoilers”, like you and me. Today, we discussed with Dean Peaple who is a very active windfoiler in Texa, USA. I would also encourage you to join his facebook group - North Texas Foiling - which has an active and friendly community of windfoilers.
Please meet Dean, and enjoy his best tips!
(Read also the part 2 of our series of articles "windfoil vs wingfoil", interview with Dean Peaple.)
Name: Dean Peaple
Age: 45
Job: Regional Sales Manager & owner of Core Adventure Sports.
Home Spot: Lake Ray Hubbard, Dallas Texas
Windfoil gear:
Foils: Slingshot Hover Glide with 84, 76 Infinity wings and Time code 68 wing
Windsurfing since: 1984
Foiling since: 2017

Tell us about your first windfoil session
It’s a two-part answer! My very first sessions on a windfoil was on a friend’s equipment, a Horue 120 Tiny board and Horue foil (Autumn 2015) and it was bit of a disaster!
We had no idea what we were doing, after 30 minutes I was exhausted and ended up kicking the foil trying to water start (getting a carbon splinter in my foot) that put a temporary hold on foiling, ha!
I waited until the summer of 2017 to try it again and I bought the NeilPryde RS Flight Aluminum and foiled it with my RRD 122 slalom board (225 x 79).
I was foiling comfortably in 2-3 sessions using a 6.4 sail and I was completely hooked.

What are your preferred windfoiling conditions?
I’m a heavy weight (92 kg/205 lbs.) so like the stronger winds, Dallas Texas is inland, so we get very gusty conditions. When I windsurfed, I wouldn’t sail unless it was 15-25 mph (13-21 kt).
Now when the forecast is 8-18 mph (7-15 kt), we get excited. I have been working hard on sub 10 mph (8-9 kt) with fitness, pumping technique and reading wind shifts etc. but my favorite conditions are anytime I can rig a 5.0. sail on the slingshot wizard 125 and slingshot 84 wing.
I also love using the time code 68 wing when we get some wind driven swell for carving and gybing.
What is the last thing you have tried or learned on a windfoil?
Perfecting the windfoil gybe or jibe (I’m originally from England so I often have to spell it both ways). I really like the adrenaline rush of pulling off a super clean air to air gybes (no touch-downs).
Next up this year will be jumping and foiling duck gybe!

What are the best advice you could give to a windfoil beginner?
My best advice is… don’t think you have to go out and launch the foil straight up in the air just because there is a foil beneath you!
Take a smaller rig than windsurfing. If you windsurf an 8.0 take something 1.5-2 meters smaller. Then windsurf the foil, bring it up and bring it straight down, practice skipping the board up and down a few inches off the water until you feel confident and in control.

When you’re ready put pressure on the back foot, bring the foil up and immediately put pressure on the front foot to level the board off.
Also, you don’t have to hook into the harness lines, practice using rig pressure to control board height. Biggest mistake I see is people leaning way back and stomping down with the back-foot pressure and launching into orbit. Foiling is about finesse not power windsurfing.
Anything you want to add to finish off?
Yes, foiling has changed everything! If you sail in super gusty and inconsistent winds, then windfoiling will be your answer. We have a great local group here in Dallas and foil all year round. I am keeping a log this year of every session with foil, board and sail used as we have more than tripled our time on the water.
Lastly, I am the moderator of a Facebook, Instagram page and you tube videos called North Texas Foiling, I originally started the group to discuss local weather and equipment, now we have members from all over Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Canada and the US, it’s amazing!
The world is a big place but windfoilers are a super tight community and we really enjoy sharing stories, videos and experience from anyone that wants to share.
Our Dallas foiling group have extensively tested dozens of board, sail and foil combinations in all conditions (even up to 40 mph / 35 kt) we cannot get enough of foiling and love to help! If your ever in the area come by and see us, if Dallas Texas is not exactly on your bucket list, check us out on Facebook or Instagram!
Thank you Windfoil Zone for your enthusiasm and foiling stoke, we enjoy your commitment.
See you on the water……Foil on!