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  • How much wind is necessary to sail with a wind foil?

  • What is the technique to fly above the water with a wind foil

  • What kind of windsurf equipment is needed to get foiling?

These are the most frequent questions about foil windsurfing, and this homemade video by the king Robby Naish himself clearly explains all you need to know to get going on a foil in light wind conditions.

Make windsurfing fun again!

Foil windsurfing is a true revolution in the sport. If you have been sceptical about the whole foiling thing, this video may convert you. Foiling is fun and addictive. Everyone that has tried foiling has only positive things to say about it. The negative comments usually come from people who haven’t tried windfoiling yet!

While many new brands launched their foil collections early in 2017, it took some time before Naish windsurfing officially launched their "Naish windsurf foil collection". But they finally did, and even if their windsurfing foil concept isn’t radically opposed to what other brands has to offer, it has a clear vision:

Make windsurfing fun again, like in the good old days, where you were sailing whatever conditions.

Get back on the water in winds that you would otherwise not even think about going out in.

Naish windsurf foil concept

Naish’s windsurf foil and foilboards are not as extreme as many other hydrofoil brands. The Thrust WS1 is described as an "all-round freeride foil", and it is exactly what it is: A modular foil which is meant to be fun and easy to learn. The Hover foilboards have a nice shape, and look like regular funboards, but with clear windfoil features. They are far from the “formula-type” monster boards most brands are launching these days.

Naish has indeed learned from the mistake funboard brands made in 90’s, killing themselves by moving towards a too extreme slalom direction. Small unstable boards with a high price tag was of no interest to the “Sunday afternoon summer windsurfer”. All the large public wanted was to have fun on a board. Same principle applies to windfoil: people want to have fun, not to be scared!


Naish windfoil gears with the Hover windfoil board and the Thrust WS1 hydrofoil

Let Robby show you how to wind foil

As explained in the video, upwind performance in windfoil is pretty amazing. And you can sail almost straight downwind, as you would have done on your windsurfer in the 80’s. Until now, the exact wind speed and technique to get foiling has been a bit of a mystery.

This video is like having a private windfoil lesson with Robby Naish. Awesome! It gives a clear view on what can be done with a windfoil, even if Robby probably makes it look a little bit easier than it is actually!

Now, you will be able to organize a windsurf weekend with your buddies well in advance. without worrying about the uncertain weather forecasts as there will almost always be enough wind if you take your windfoil.

One thing Robby forgot is to take is impact vest on. Foiling is not dangerous, but you never know what can happen, and an impact vest is a great way to avoid serious injuries. Read also our review of the best impact vests for windfoiling.

Conclusion: windfoil is the perfect light wind weapon

Windfoiling, and particularly Naish concept, is recreational, getting on the water when otherwise you wouldn’t. It’s also a great way to eliminate the need for big gear for light wind riding. You can resale your good old 9 sqm sail and your formula equipment.

Windfoiling is the perfect weapon where there is not enough consistent wind for traditional short boards. Windsurfing full speed in 8 knots conditions with small sails is now possible. Foiling offers a completely new dimension to the sport, as it gives amazing freedom sensations, even with very light winds. It’s astonishing, foil windsurfing is a true revolution!

And Robby summarizes it well when he says: “How cool is that?”

Robby Naish foiling on the Hover foilboard and the Thrust WS1 windfoil

Naish products can be ordered on Amazon.

You can also order the new 2019 Naish windfoil, with deep tuttle head or with the revolutionary "Abracadabra system". Follow the link to order:









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